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Re: Politics

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:33 pm
by joez

Cuban Television CENSORED messages of support for Ukraine in international sports broadcast

Once again, the lack of ethics prevails in the decision makers within Cuban Television, transforming an improper product to implant its truth on the Island.

March 12, 2022

The Russian invasion of Ukraine that began more than two weeks ago left a majority of international rejection. Very few governments have not condemned this warmongering interference but Cuba was one of them.

Cuba has had a position that many question. It is understandable given the enormous economic dependence that has existed for a decade, first with the former Soviet Union and later with Vladimir Putin's Russia.

In times of pandemic, corruption, internal incapacity for better production, tightening of the laws by the United States, and many other factors, the Eurasian country is today one of the few options left to the Cuban regime to avoid a total collapse in the economic and political order.

That is why there will be no type of official rejection within Cuba for Russian actions on Ukrainian soil.

Everything that has come out from the state press on the subject is always accompanied by reasons for that "military operation." In all that warlike confrontation the only culprits are the United States, NATO and the president of Ukraine.

This position has not only materialized in statements, comments, news, and reports by officials and journalists but It also includes facts that go beyond absolute professional ethics to the extreme of modifying a totally unrelated sports transmission.

It was in the Spanish League match between Real Madrid and Real Sociedad that they removed the messages that appeared on the sreen showing the score of the match. The same thing happened with a virtual sign at the bottom of the stadium. This detail was publicly denounced by the renowned journalist Ernesto Morales in his YouTube star space.

The leading voice of the prominent platform Cubita showed the original broadcast of that match and what came out through the Rebelde TV channel, or rather what did not come out on the channel. It was a shameful fact and without any logical reason that can support it.

"No to the invasion" and "Everyone with Ukraine" were the two expressions completely suppressed by Cuban television with the aim that the thousands of fans of football in Cuba and especially Real Madrid, continue to have a single vision of that war.

If it is reprehensible to justify invasions, whoever executes it, it is even worse to transform an inappropriate product, above all for wanting to implant a single truth or message.

As if such manipulation achieved its objective in times where the internet and social networks already allow Cubans to have in their hands all the possible information to draw their own conclusions from the realities that hit Cuba and the world in general.