Re: GameTime!™

Santana beats the shift and gets a single. Winning run on first.

Gomes Time. Hits it right back up the middle....moves Santana to 2nd.

Chiz pinch hitting.....winning run at 2nd.....intentional walk. Walters coming up.

Walters rips it just foul. 0-2 count. Fouling off a couple hundred more.....and finally strikes out.
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Re: GameTime!™

Startin out right with a 3 run bomb by Santana with 1 out.

Kipnis at 2nd, 2 out chiz up now.

Ubaldo at over 30 pitches in the that's familiar....he looks skinnier than he did in a tribe uni.

Strikes Chiz out......into the 2nd with a 3-0 lead.

Methinks Carasco can keep it.
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Re: GameTime!™

And of course a tailor made inning ending double play gets bumbled and we end up with 2 on and 1 out.

94th...yes 94th error for the tribe.

Well they got another double play to end the inning Kipnis all by himself on that one.

Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Re: GameTime!™

Wow, very exciting follow up outing by Carrasco.

CC Lee with a great 8th inning too.

If Bauer and Carrasco can continue to grow, the young pitching could be the basis of real optimism for this team.

Still would like to see them add a veteran SP for next year though. IMO, starting pitching was the main downfall for this team throughout the year.
"I've suffered a great many tragedies in my life....most of them never happened". Mark Twain

Re: GameTime!™

and good work today by Salazar, although again the reliever lets the inherited runners score. Danny threw too many pitches again so he left with none out in the 6th. But he fits in pretty nicely between Kluber, Bauer and Carrasco. House has been over-achieving. Perhaps we have a largely homegrown or home-developed solid rotation? Perhaps.