Re: Fantasy Ball

What happend to the games +/- in yahoo. I was looking ok for a while, now I'm way behind in everything. Even, TFIR who usually fills the positions is behind in some. Is it a mistake on their part? Will it change back? Anybody else notice?
Keep riding the wave. Last at bat, first at bat, doesn't matter. Just win!

Re: Fantasy Ball

Never mind, I set it up. Same settings as last year.

League ID#: 111535
League Name: Forum Football Fanatics II
Password: actarules
Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
Draft Time: Sat Aug 27 7:30pm EDT [ Add to My Calendar ]

Go to and click on Football"11....Sign up Now

Then, click on Join a League

Then, click on Join Custom

Then, use settings above.
"I've suffered a great many tragedies in my life....most of them never happened". Mark Twain

Re: Fantasy Ball


I noticed after several days your fantasy league is still only half full, so hope you don't mind but me and my friend Steve are signing up.

Steve-O has played fantasy football in our forum leagues a few times. You may know him. I'm sure Rusty and others will remember him. He's a Boston sports fan but otherwise a good guy.

I am signed up and he is going to sign up later today. That will give you 6 or 7 teams.