Re: GameTime!™

I couldn't understand why NY was picked as likely AL champ with that outdated starting rotation. Even though he's with the hated EE I still hope Kluber can bounce back but the rest can continue to stink it up and I will be happy. NY has not yet suffered the predictable DL stints of Judge and Stanton. But someone must be hurt since Jay Bruce is their everyday 1st baseman and he's at the stage of his career when the Indians typically pick up former stars, not New York.

Re: GameTime!™

If that reference was to our Star baseman mr Bauers I listened to a Hoynes/Noga podcast today they both agreed that he seems almost disengaged at the platel.
it is past time to give him a chance to find a new team and develop a new optimism
It was polite of Tito to facilitate the no hitter by bringing in Bauers for a late inning at bat

Re: GameTime!™

We've heard that momentum in baseball is the next day's starting pitching. No better example than the past 2 games. Going from a brilliant performance by Beiber to getting 1st inning blasted and no-hit the next day. What will today bring?

Almost 10 years since the Indians were last no-hit. With these guys in the lineup, it won't be that long before they do it again. Maybe again this season. Maybe today.

Hope this serves as the Kiss of Life for the sad-sack lineup we're throwing out there today.

Re: GameTime!™

Well the lack of momentum continues today. 6 up 6 down through 2.
Sox scored in the first and lead 1-0 despite Naylor nailing a runner at second.

Expect a turn around in the 3rd. Due up are

I can't make myself type his name one more time, the 1b
Hedges, who has a homer don't forget
Giminez who is hitting 176 the best of the 3.

OH MY, Mr. X with a lead off double. ow 3 chances to leave him there.