Re: GameTime!™

Hillbilly wrote:No perhaps about it. That's the way he should be used. You put him in against a power righty and he gives up a homer in a critical situation I blame the skipper. He should know this team well enough to know how to use them now.
While i don't disagree tht Sipp has given up more homers than I would like, it was Basista who hit it, not Bill Freaking Selby!

Re: GameTime!™

we're only trailing 3-2 after 2 despite the lineup and really bad Mitch Talbot on the mound. I kind of forgot he's in the rotation. We get pissed by Carmona because Fausto underperforms. Talbot really doesn't have major league starter talent so it's not his fault that he doesn't pitch very well. But I really would like to put Gomez in his place.

Re: GameTime!™

I said the bottom 6 ... that includes clean up. Yeah, Acta really ticks me off when he does this. Sure, rest your catcher now & then but it doesn't have to be on the same night as other regulars. With Choo out this kind of lineup is pathetic. I know Grady has struggled but at least with him in, there is hope he'll snap out.

Agree about Talbot, I've seen enough of him.

Re: GameTime!™

only 74 pitches for Talbot through 5 innings, so we may be stuck with him a little longer. 5 runs in 5 innings is about avg for him since he returned from the DL. 5-2 we trial to Jo Jo whose record losing streak we broke. I see he's two more since. Let's not let him reach 4 wins.

Re: GameTime!™

I was surprised by the amount of offense last night, Cali. When you get 15 hits and 7 runs you should win. But that's part of the point. Why give two of your better regular hitters the same night off that your worst pitcher is on the mound. Give Santana a night off when Masterson or Tomlin is pitching, give Grady a night off when the other one is pitching. It's almost as if he is trying to lose every once in a while when he does these lineups.

And in fairness to my whining before the 15 hits and 7 runs, I will point out that neither Duncun nor Marson had an RBI.
