Re: General Discussion

izemore has been taking batting practice, throwing and jogging. On Sunday, he did light sprints and agility drills in which he moved from side to side for the first time.

"I kept it pretty low intensity, but everything felt good," Sizemore said.

"It's not a huge step. I went abut 50 percent. It's another part of the progression."

:shock: Sizemore said he was still experiencing soreness and discomfort in his left knee.

"I can definitely tell I had surgery there," he said. "Just walking or running, I'm not feeling zero pain or zero symptoms."

Re: General Discussion

Kevin Millwood is working out and throwing simulated games at agent Scott Boras' training facility according to's Peter Gammons (on Twitter). He says the righty is "waiting for the right widespread panic," similar to Kyle Lohse prior to the 2008 season. Earlier today we learned that Millwood rejected a minor league offer from the Yankees.