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Re: General Discussion

The Tribe is gonna lose. Maybe not tomorrow this post season. But soon. Euphoria crashing down can be rough. Really rough. As an example, I have a crock pot I purchased in 1996. It was purchased around the Day The Tribe was eliminated in the post season of that immediate post 1995 year. I cooked som...

Re: General Discussion

:P And on any good national decision night or day of politics or sports it comes down to the States with the most electoral votes. Texas, Florida and Ohio. Rangers, Rays, and Indians. I've claimed Texas as a prior personal residence, and now I also have my guns permitted for legal concealed carry i...

Re: General Discussion

Woohoo! (not "Wahoo!".....just an attempt to remain politically correct for those normally voting Democrat....and those deleting and amending posts....where ever they might be.....and Mrs. Calabash.....perhaps) The end of the work week is here for those that do, or might have ever, worked ...

Re: GameTime!™

Rays win it! Rays win i! Oh, my Gawd, the Rays win it! Love the guy with The Kiss mask celebrating in the stands in the Tampa Bay area after the walk off in the pin ball machine stadium of the Tampa Bay area. Longest game in Tampa Ray history. If I were at a game as scintillating as this, I might ha...

Re: GameTime!™

We are now tied with Tampa Bay for the WC! They are still playing in the 10th. Go Orioles! Tampa Bay begins the 18th inning. Those not still paying attention are quitters. (Oh, wait. This IS the CLEVELAND forum) "Quitters" are understood and accepted in Cleveland Fandom, because'...

Re: General Discussion

Tonight The Tribe ("T" cubed) oops'd it's way to a win with only four hits. Only four freaking hits. Trevor Crowe, and Swish and Cabs went a combined 0 for 8. Better news is that Trevor Crowe no longer plays for The Cleveland Indians. Worse history is that Trevor Crowe was a high first rou...

Re: Idle Chatter

These guys got rooked.... (reach for the Funk & Wagnalls) Posted: 10:54 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013 SAN FRANCISCO — Police in San Francisco recently put an end to to the d...

Re: Idle Chatter We had about four inches of rain in our little piece of The Earth today. All eleven of the aforementioned ducklings are still hanging together, even as most have outgrown their mother. These ducklings sw...

Re: General Discussion

I guess you want banned from this board too. Nope. I just look for different views and opinions to express. Stuff not eaten and consumed and spitted out as "reporting" when we all know the local scribes are dependent upon organizational folks for quotes, and dare not rock the boat as they...

Re: General Discussion

We've lost two late season series to Kansas City. Bet no one saw that coming on their optimistic prognostications on the "soft" September schedule? Houston is coming to town. Yes, they have a baseball team. Fortunately Earl Campbell does not play for them, nor is Bum Phillips a coach. Nor ...

Re: GameTime!™

To my pal TribeFan in SC/FL....... Its time to take off the gloves off and have some fun! C'mon dude! We're the only game in town! With a nod to "A League of Their Own," we're gonna lose. I laughed my arse off when I read post season tickets went on sale today. Insightful that no one here...

Re: Idle Chatter

Audio pioneer Ray Dolby dies at 80 I first learned about Dolby upon my first high end (of the time) stereo system. Moving ahead many years, there was a time when I was 32 and not married, and and I thought an at the time 20 year old temp I worked with was cute. And smelled great. And dressed in Lau...

Re: General Discussion

Bottom line in this totally unexpected hissy fit panties in a wad exchange around these parts is "will Cleveland make the post season?" If I was in Vegas and such a bet was offered, I'd offer "nay," Swish and Cabs got dumb and out of shape with their prior earnings as each is way...

Re: Idle Chatter

I'm watching Don Pasquale on PBS at present. I really do not understand it, but the female lead has great boobs and enticing legs. Oh, and a nice singing voice. I might be the only guy in America who surfed from NASCAR rain delay post race coverage to catch this PBS airing. It's nice, but I think I'...

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